Sunday, May 11, 2008

Enjoy May !

Do you think May is the best for you in a year? Not too hot not too cold almost people have some fun outside.There are many pretty flowers or fresh green leaves also but I've heard we have much
ultraviolet rays in May it's the strongest in a year ! It reminds me ozone depletion these days.

I found the plum tree in the neighborhood, small but sweet plum ! How cute they are! We enjoy it's blossom and then fruits as well.

Dare is so fine with comfortable breeze but she hides herself under the tree protect from strong sunshine in daytime she must be hope to have no more hot days.


Sayani said...

i must say ,u live in a beautiful place with dare.....
and a cute dare i must say !!!!

bernersennen said...

Each places has it's own beauty as well as my place here I live in my country Japan. I find myself out looking around , hope to enjoy youself with some pics that I took.